Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Arts Council Keep Digging

So, at last, on Friday I got a reply from the Arts Council in which they thanked me for me application. If they had read my email they would know I made no application. So obviously, even though it was only five lines long, they didn't even bother to read it. In their arrogance they supposed it to be an appeal for funds and treated it with the disdain with whcih they treat all such requests. They will be in touch, they said. So keep watching for the next six months and I'll let you know if they ever bother to follow up.


  1. They are such a bunch of tossers. Are there two 's's in tosser?

  2. John,

    Always safer to go with wankers ... at least you can be certain there's only one 's'!!

    Eamon (McGrane ... who's just found this blog).
